Monday, February 22, 2016

Face Value

Im not a soul hider/ Soul survivor/ Cant see myself without God/ I am not lieing/ I do not perpetuate the lies/ Im not a liar/ Far from dieing/ My molecules multiplying/ Dead fish in the pond/Another hopeful oversized heart dieing/ Devil crying / The lord seized the day to free the lion/ But where would the lion be/ Hypocrisy/ Your the only person able to deal with the photography/ Such blasphemy William K. Butler

Below zero

Attempt to bring me to the light/ What once was darkness/ Hop potato/ Ready but clueless to the turn around in life/ Support states away / Friends acting as if my heart is to give away/ Haven't seen my right hand since he last went away/ Outta state out of mind/ Only a fools fool for that belief William Butler