Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Random Quotes *

"Mind without matter is like a hard cover book with no pages" "Live, laugh & love. You will soon discover happiness" "Building takes more time than energy, stop making excuses." "Never bleed till your is heart content" "Control your behavior or sit back and allow the earthlings, politics and media to be left to judge you!" William K. Butler

Without A Doubt

I will not doubt in struggle/ No doubt I am forever running/ Life is persistent/ A marathon for all eternity/ The willing and able/ The unreliable and excused/ Never being under-appreciated/ The leaps for mankind ascertained/ Even through the pits falls I do not complain if have to crawl/ I will get up if knocked down/ The world upside down on my head/ Forceful on placing a frown/ Not later and definitely not now/ I believe in happiness/ No shadow can cast that away/ I may stray but I can find my happiness/ Whether it be my spirit being moved or indulging in the sky, water and animals/ Loving to learn to live without doubt William K. Butler

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Deal Breaker

Though all your attempts left you last/ The very actions that followed/ Were the ones that can not be given a pass/ I trapeze, as I thought there could be hope/ Not only for you but for mankind/ Gave comprehensive instructions/ That I will not play games of the mind/ Leave all your doings to your horoscope / For a soulless fearless droid employs this foolery/ Flabbergasted/ For where is the honor/ Pass down the crown & jewelry/ Even a king without his ego must act accordingly/ As it is always told/ A wise man never counters/ But intakes the frame for a better reflection/ William K. Butler

Mind Over Matter

Hard to breath is one thing/ Confused amongst other things/ What I rightfully own is deemed forever taken/ Broken/ Just senseless/ A complete dismay to my senses/ Relentlessness/ For all I see/ Why does my judgement become cloudy/ I keep pushing/ And pushing..... And pushing/ Dissatisfied with the content of my heart/ Hard to spare/ A brand, forever on black light skin parts/ I will leave it to beaver/ But even man does not know the destruction he created/ Only to be misplaced/ He is a child / I am becoming a man/ So I need to be done with this treachery William K. Butler

Date Spice

What do I wear/ Where do I go/ Who will I meet/ These thoughts feel extinct/ Too much time has passed/ Will I be enough/ Can I do enough/ Have I ever known what to do instinctively/ Formal/ Casual/ Relaxed/ Who am I presenting myself to/ Leer in the mirror at myself first/ Before I extend myself a little more/ Such a clever thing to be me step ahead/ Left up to the universe/ The things I can not control/ Ops, wait/ My date is at the door William K.Butler

Green Tea

Addicted/ Can't measure my love/ Up in the middle of the night/ Vamping for my favorite drink/ Legs function on command/ When my appetite is in demand/ Health magnet is what it must be/ Test bus being the trustees/ My mother even had the itch before me/ Adorable to be n the same wave length/ Energizer for myself/ So sync we gave a pass to the taste/ It's an addition alright/ No health cautions/ No symptoms, of you don't fear and would love to forfeit/ Morning after affects take place in the office/ Always clean bowels William k. Butler

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Bedroom Spice

Everyday pre-orgasms/ I more than taste it/ Admiring your figure/ Image placed in my sight/ Non hallucinogenic/ Now its real life, realistic/ No replacements/ Forget innocence/ Time for our souls to meet/ Straight from work/ Less time on our hands/ Clothes off before you reach the sheets/ Not rushing but there's room for urgency/ Missed your call purposely/ Have a heat stroke anticipating my touch, my contact/ When it was time for action/ We want to fully engulf in each others veins/ While steady countering a relapse/ Both Alphas/ Exciting, i can just sit back and relax/ Pain is pleasure William K. Butler

To my hearts content

I forget/ Please do not give more than your hearts content/ Without positive notions or the love to give/ End up sitting on a lifeless bench/ With all that you have in stored/ It is only god that predicts the metaphor/ No motive/ No expectations/ This is the lifestyle i will live for/ The devil will not win/ I will never give up faith/ For he has not / Sharing this same memory at stake/ Let there not be a third time/ More like my own incrimination/ I listen, but its hard to practice what he preaches/ Prayer is needed/ For I know of no roads to turn to besides the one I current reside on/ So I pray/ For more guidance/ More freedom/ And of course every lesson taught gently/ Which is far from who I am William K. Butler

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Following fate

Where am I in this stratosphere called humans/ Life gets old, never stranger/ Each second passed is a fortunate remainder/ Live life like you cant have it taken back With or without a scratch/ Sometimes its destiny to take a step back/ Get into your own being/ I do more for others, than I do for self/ Like a closed calm with a pearl/ I have the will to push open/ Refuse to get assistance from someone else. William K. Butler