Monday, December 30, 2013

God taketh away

How did this transpire
Handy man to the rescue
In the fire
Human extinguisher
So many years till retirement
An angel
But only can fly so far
Or do so much
My control is not only your guidance
For long I tryed it
It was never enough
You always had the love reserved
Demands to live without the curve
The truth is never what I heard
No other feeling
My fault
Sat down on the asphalt
Please no blame games
Family boxed me in with the devils mind frame
Can I attend the funeral
I gave my best
Tryed my best
What is my best
Now after the chips are down
Infrared vision in my back & front
Ghost begone and let his spirit appear
I miss you already
Its only four days till Christmas

William K. Butler

Saturday, December 28, 2013

The War Of love & Lust

Clutching nothing but your desire
Far from what you aspire
We live on real lyfe time
Right here, right now
Don't play the fiddle subconsciously
I taught you much better than that
Why do we lose our heads
Always more than willing
Craddling to the simple logics I got placed in
A file forgotten, missing
This is one lesson learned on Xmas eve
Past the stage of trick or treat
Words left on the doorstep
You wanted trust
When I have I ever lacked that
How many years do i need rewind to give a recap
Because things are far from what it seems
And half the truth is never the truth by itself
No selfhate, I will be the safety net
But only for things as far as I can see them
Cause it seems to me I often play ghost

William Butler

Why die in the inside

All this hate that you gather
Your the only person carrying the imaginery ghost
Left sanctioned in your own smoke
This thing you hold is no joke
Body gave into submission
Living day to day but in reference to the present
Thoughts are non existence
For you forfeited your rights to live in the now
By yourself
In a crowd
What does insanity mean
Let lyfe breath and start living out loud
Your smile wide but your insides is where you frown
Get with the program
Stress kills

William K. Butler

Saturday, December 21, 2013

On your lonesome

It isn't too difficult to give up on yourself
But how about standing up for that and speak with everyone else
We only want the best
Even though your immediate kinfolk may not
Why wait last minute, now we harbor around the clock
Time never stops
No anger, just disappointment with disbelief
I am here
Always wanted to be
For how long were you going to be floating in the cast away
You are not hurting alone
I've been hurt since I knew your background
Just don't ever leave my side even when we pass away
So official
But so lost

William K. Butler

Last thought is a first wish

Check this
Your more than a weapon
Something protruding through my hip
#1 on my Xmas list
In the same breath I regret you became a wish
For the holidays or any other day
An extra stop along this trip to bountiful
Its a mountain full
Always kept afloat
But I am the not the typical to drown
With so much might
More than one purpose
God favors me for it
It does weight down occasionally
But what more can I ask for
Be positive,
Be enlightened and
Make sure to play your part to be the crutch and not the latter in the end

William K. Butler


Play from the bench
Only sacrificial when they need of a lamb
But am I
Or was I
I played a game thought to be finessed
Where it was never working with me
But against me
What a terrible trapeze to be on
The bottom may have not been so far down
But I held you to my level
You will always be my equal
As I am
Left in the last scene
Never to return to the sequel
Such an instrument for love
Ill be your caretaker

William K. Butler

Monday, December 16, 2013

Black Power

Sour feelings for the struggle
Sweetness due to our success
Never the less
It is forever unrecognized
As we play fiddle
Play a woman
Never playing against the odds
Beliefe not in our own power
But solely from the mighty dollar
Life has become destructive
We now will neal
Forever reaching  while they look down at us yelling hooting and hollering
You are worth nothing
Our souls are all the same
With this burden we carry
It should projected not onto each other but to the opponent

William K. Butler

Sex Spice

Words are left at the door step
Only heartbeats and hot stares remain amongst the mist
Already attached due to the emotional bliss
This is it
I have no confusion
Maybe indecisive once our play is in action
I figure that comes with this matter
My body placed on top of your hips
The stroke left you ona whip
No where to run
There was never a way to escape
I can smell your relation
Put the face of frustration away

William K. Butler

Destructive Love

Seeing is believing
It is everything
Life is a brink
No guarantees
What second was ever destined
Family love the only thing lacking substance
No way to stand
Willingly, they abandon you at the first sight of a burden
Unknown to their words
They use or misuse
Words spoken for the first time
For I wept but yet could never hold my touge to such disgust
Not much for me to consider

William K. Butler

Indecisive for What

Things out the clear eye view
How would that cause me not to detach
Craving for more
The opposites obviously don't attract
Only left with what has to be considered
How many reasons do I need to reconsider
Please never forget
I watch , listen and apply
Not so much as a neuroscience
Make your mind up
Or there will be a way given to you
My out layer is not teflon
But my heart is

William K. Butler

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Broken Promises

You say I couldn't
I say i will
Don't dare doubt my sacrifice
Nothing has happened by coincidence
Jolly from a major traffic jam pulled clear
I knew what I did different
Played my position
Till my own position was out played
Leaving no lane to maintain
Liars given ammunition but on another mans time
The fact that I speak like this
As If you werent treated as one of my own
People to Family
Family to People
A blood line will forever be ridiculed
I told you what you were to encounter
My dear downfall
I fell for you
And you call me family

William Butler

Monday, December 9, 2013

The feeling

Hard to fight the feeling
Lost sight of the man in the mirror
Listening even though deafness is clearly the factor
Same route
No new dimensions
Tired, exhausted everything seems senseless
But I told you believe in me
When have I steered you wrong
This shouldn't be a sad song
My heart always sings to your content
Refrain from this condescending place
I came to your rescue without the Que to!

William K. Butler

Friday, November 29, 2013

Date Spice

For so long I hid
Better I was the one to go hiding
Done living in fear
I opened
You appeared
For me to think you weren't meant for me would be rather queer
Good riddens
Life happens and you were my coincidence
I won't disrupt the flow
I am ready for all dynamics
Thank you baby

William K. Butler

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Escape the darkness

Gaping winds
Treacherous storms
Your place of safety
Remains to be the very place you last want to be
To reach this scale
Understanding is similar to the idea of brail
A long story with a short tale
Shadows never prevail
The adolescent will you have it
Gods angel to become the catalyst
Help build one pathway to gloriousness
Road blocks are never to be in the most vacant of spots
Things are not a coincidence
There was a structure, the madness of course
What it is that we believe we've attained is actually what we lack
Which is confidence
Escape the darkness

William K. Butler

Monday, November 18, 2013

Searching for love in the wrong place

What you seek is not what you find
Nothing hidden
Up for you to see the clear variations
Don't tell time to be impatient how do you think you become grateful
Steady waiting with no gauges
Devices too much money wasted
Filling voids
No name on the check
Place a bet
This is not something you can "make a plan for a plan"
You should plan to let it happen
No better way then the universe sending blind dates
Unbenounced to fear for you never can anticipate the curves
Time flys as you waste your moments feeling perturbed
Now your quiet disturbe

William K. Butler

No title

Hope all you need to stay in place
Praying on things that are not necessities
What a face
Wheres your face value
Happiness from materialism
Boredem must set in fairly quick
Life has more for you to handle than you can grip
Our main theme for the rest of your life is our life span
Every negative becomes a positive
Time to make history

William K. Butler

Love Spice

Gone like the wind
Leave everything you've taken
My heart was rightfully yours
Your done with the small claims
Time will tell you the threshold was real
Didn't need to hear it consistently
I didn't need an adlib
All it we needed for you to be upfront
Not leaving me in question
It hit the fan
You took flight while I waited on the clear port
I am here for you
Quit the studdering, now where's the fault
My heart I cross for only god loves me the way I love myself
No pain is greater when love someone more than yourself

William K. Butler

Monday, November 4, 2013

Accept what you allow

Careless with how and what you do
Never carefully disputing the mist
Advances on my character
Magnificent plans for a terrorist
Will you hit or miss
A blueprint is needed for that
Can't repair the missing portions
Taken advantage like a forklift
Oblivious to no extent
Such horse manuer
For me to deal is a simple conclusion
No illusion
I allow myself to step with a contusion
Built to last but not for the cold hearted
Why did god make me this strong

William K. Butler

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Preying on love #PunIntended

What you seek is not always what you will find
Nothing deliberaty hidden
Up for you to see the clear variations
Don't force time to be impatient
How do you think you become grateful
Steady waiting with no gauges
Too much money wasted
Filling voids
No names on the check
Place a bet
This is not something you can "make a plan for a plan" persay
Plan to let it happen
No better way then the universe sending blind dates
Unbenounced to fear for you never can anticipate the curves
Time flys as you waste the minutes

Feeling perturbed
Now your quiet disturbed
Oh, so we didn't see this coming

William K. Butler

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Grace Period

Too difficult to syncronize
Time has a pace
Why not take your time
Planning before the eggs hatch
Somethings or rather all things are not to paunder
Yes, have the memory in place
But don't sit at the finish line for first place
Clear your space
Have some air to breathe
Room for belief
Not to be a self proclaimed failure
For, even matters you may completely control
It is very much out of your control
You've given your heart, sweat and soul
Leave it to the universe if it wants to play trick or treat
It will only have you in agony
Learn to just leave it at your feet

William K. Butler

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Faith and Trust

Nothing to shadow
Nothing but open land for the crop
What may have been reserved
Is now free to roam
Beliefe in your words first, I will follow the actions
Clarity will present itself
Hand shakes are empty
Everything could be for nothing
Time never wasted
Time well spent
Living with no regrets
In a place of asylum
Doubt tipped off the life boat
Dynamic imagery flutter in the wind
Faith is an acknowledgement of the possible faults
For the long haul
Trust is not only a word but weight with a statement
Only interchangable once your beneath the surface

William K. Butler

Friday, October 25, 2013

Love Spice

Instantly mental
An all time psycho
My search for you
Has been anything but idol
Precisely my motto
I favor love and games
So carefree
To not find you would be impossible
These footprints left by fault
You knew If you lead I would follow
It is that simple

William K. Butler

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Hit The Ground Running

Scattered thoughts
Which rope am I climbing
Fish in the sea
Who will be the hopeless survivor
I am what I strive for
Determination, greatness to say the least
Agile for the defiant trickery
I have already jumped herdals
Challenged the jesters
Most importantly
Kept my feet to the ground while staying aloft without propellers
A movement with a cause
A hound without a boss
Forsight never post
I feel the change
While something remains
As depicted
In a race by myself
The universe waits frantically as I take forever to cross

William K. Hitler

Monday, October 21, 2013

Split decision

Love spared to begin with
One moment split
Emotions dealt to one looking to be closer
Missing me before I could end up missing
Words bluntly spoken
Every minute was worth it
Hormones raged
Kept abroad for too long
It knew its rightful place
In the night
Within the darkness
Out of sight
Not out of mind
Just not thinking my second head
My day started off fulfilled
Let me finish in the same breath

Willam K. Butler

Give and forget

Hard thing to live by
Giving life without your heart stringing along
But so long
The deed is always done with the best intentions
The gift isn't for all to recognize
Remember if they never found themselves
Where is the placement
I hate this
The hailmary is hibernation
Mummified down to the face lift
Haven't found an outlet that posses a mere micro of this natural ability
Kid you not
This will not be all peachs and cream
Would love to end the game of
"You can be generous but only at the right price"..

William K. Butler

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Exasperated love

You couldn't give a Fuck
An arm, a leg or a foot
Love is farfetched
Even the streets gave me the ass to kiss
Survival at an all time high
Respected amongst my peers
Loved by less than half of those people
Mind games for the obstacles
Clarity is only for me
So much famil
But only one understands
Left him stranded
Truth in every word
Never exposed
Give it room for clout
Without a doubt
Revert to the ways of Buddha
What you know best
This exhibition is a road trip alone
I wont saturate anything but the love
Just remember I always waited to be here for you

William K. Butler

Personal belief

A belief so strong only the feeling and genuine connection harvest
Spiritual views do not have to be so afar
No matter the message
There is a connection
With the faults
Possible mishaps
More than enough ecterias
Abstracting the good
Leaving the rest to rot
Spoil the mindset for what may be fiction
But what a contradiction
Why force a submission
When not everyone attains change in the same dynamic
Understand that we all hold the same frame
Don't underestimate the power of your subconscious

William K. Butler

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

No hands

Living life without a mph
No way out
My choice
My segregation
Mind blown
Mind control
Till the end of the week
So obserd
For it to end when it was only the beginning
Born with a future
But dieing everyday, like my the inside is ruthless
Live lyfe fast
Miss a stop sign or signal
Lifeline totally depleted
Waiting for death to meet me around the corner

William K. Butler

Monday, October 14, 2013

Adventure Spice

It is truth or dare
Will life give out despair
Actions sought like the devil appears
This needs to stop
Under an unwanted telepathy
Mind every which way
There should be one direction
After deliberation
The target so clear but jaded
Only I, so there will not be a replacement
Unnatural changes may take a turn for the worst
Living within the lines
Everything becomes dispersed
Opposites reversed
On a cycle
To the mountains
I am sure to always find my way
There is my home
Where I sit alone
Loving quiet moments as they gradually pass along

William K. Butler

Date Spice

Jeez Louise
Dresser empty
Worring here depressed
I wont be stressed
One date
First impressions are valuable
Time to be efficient
Google the forcast
Fresher than the Artic
Moodswing in a positive direction
Worry about tomorrow
Nothing wrong living for whatever it may be for now
I won't destroy my own vibe
Living on an earthly high
Anticipating a magnificent appearance
She shall see the same
Clean from between my toes to the follicles on my face
This isn't my first rodeo
Back to what the eyes can see
A beauty

William K. Butler

Love Spice

Would I walk to the four corners of the earth
Of course I will fall
It is in my DNA to locate you
Mental GPS
I know all of your where abouts
Much realer than it feels
Things exist
Surrounding the universe
There could be no way you will not be apart of me
Thank you for allowing me to give you the love
Without a doubt
The catch phrase when asked "Am I in love"
Nerves run wild
Butterflies swarm miles upon miles
This is all I really want
Blissful with my life-long love

William K. Butler

Sunday, October 13, 2013

A fools gold

Yes they are soon to part
Missing how the story unfolds
Wisedom seemed to be missing in the story
Long story short
You will learn the hardest way
Always thinking of today
Yesterday is about a few days ago
Tomorrow will never come
Stop living for the now
Today is tomorrows accomplishments
But you have no forsight
Make a set living
Residual income
Gold that will last forever
Next stop will be hungrier than you were left
You chose to slave yourself
Life has a heart
Chose instant gratification
Over internal elevation
You play the fool
Then you are the fool
Even more after you push aside life lessons

William K. Butler


Maneuvering day to day
A smile before I rest my head to sleep
And grateful gestures once I am awoken
Struggling reinvites your happiness
Coming to reality that you control all matters
Regardless if you control the remainders
Never judge by measurement
It is not attainable
But a state of mind
Even when the chips are down
It test your faith
Your beliefs
Do you see pursuance as a waste
The milestone reached was only for you to feel in place
Take a sit
Happiness does not appear
Nor does it just have its own space
Patience will be due
Practice to your hearts appeal
Happiness will follow through

William K. Butler

War Time

Too ready
Feeling equipped for this motion picture
Loves easy before the clouds
Coin flip once the settlement of winter
No foodstamps yet
Would be better if I just had none left
This is what is left
Shape shifting
A wolf in sheep clothing
A mere perception I choose to hold
Never moving too bold
Production ready to shoot
On the spot
Or scheduled date
My intellect runs rapid
All questions answered smoothly
Your left with no questions
This may be your class
But Ive taken many lessons
Pulsing through the cracks
Even the potholes
Tell me something freshly
Its wartime
In any moment the professionalism is my anchor
I am ready to talk to an executive

William K. Butler

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Tools for leadership

Self worth
Team player
I have yet to reach the element of it
First and formost
Born alone, die alone mentality
Where can you go wrong
Courteous enough not rod envolve others
Your weak points
Become the dominate factor
For you to take charge and elminate
Not searching for a handout
More excited than ever to work a double
Leadership doesn't come freely
If so why have any off time
Half of the glass is full
Your turn to full the empty space

William K. Butler

Love Spice

Everything I say
Trust it in fact
For my heart only speaks when spoken to
Share with me
I will be your open book
All truth
What you say is engraved
You won't have to take a second look
For you
I can bare it all
Simply put
This marriage will not fall
Chris Brown
I'll crawl
While I still try to break down these walls
Why can't I breath
What did you do to me
I fear nothing but you without me
By far most joy comes with a cost
But this is priceless
And this love will be a hot topic in any market

William K. Butler

Sex Spice

The water bed
Filled with spices and everything nice
The beginning of our playing ground
The house itself is the playground
Search for what you seek
I will make all this easy
Arms length
I will be in arm reach
For you to sit
Maybe finesse your feet
kiss them like it is the air I breath
rebels for a cause
Once in a lifetime
We live on a stage
The narratives sit comically
Us as the starring characters
I will feed off your improv
Everything done premeditated or with the flow
It's impact brings about atomic orgasms
You're next move will be my best move
Hold still

William K. Butler

A blind eye

Blind eye
Playing field is full of  land mines
Chose stickshift over an automatic
Did I lose control
Have I fallen harder than a 300lb man
Appeared to be walking on concrete
But apparently I am treading water and sand
As time progressed
My soul purpose was to put things in order
This was all my fault
Took time to pause my own thoughts
What was I thinking
I wasn't done healing
Just recently I felt clarity in myself
Time has no limit
I am one to practice what you preach
Overlooked due to happiness
Where did this all happen

William K. Butler

Date Spice

Nothing short of exciting
We've made eye contact before our first encounter
What a sight
No time to waste
On the move
But willing to open my schedule
For the short time you were in my presence
Goosebumps to hot chills
I am riveted to meet you again
More of an intimate setting
Long time coming
This feels amazing
Will she feel the same
Wishful thinking
Woman are not one in the same
Am I to blame
For not enforcing my thoughts
And taking care of my health
Life is self
Self has worth
This date is worth millions
Hopefully you will not obligue to showing you the many different ways
See you soon

William K. Butler

Friday, October 4, 2013

Not only a memory

Whenever I happen to forget 'struggles' name
Maybe it was time to just endure the suffering and pain
Second time to be acclamated
Things were once strange
Back to where you left off
Quiet typical in fact
Seldom do you count the misfortune
Knock contingent on the door you stand in front of
God, finding every language to speak
Sitting along side the dark angel
Do not give into sin
For it is the ultimate defeat
Drowning yourself in a pool of self-pit
Now is not the time to be selfish
Don't stand blemished looking helpless
You once preached
You live and you learn
So fall on your own morals
You will never have to catch your feet

William K. Butler

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Listen for Knowledge

3 meals a day
Still hungry and ready to feast
My hunger is from the bottomless pit
Contained in certain angels that I won't forget
Not to mention
Once a student
But will remain the teacher as well
The lessons taught are beyond receptive
My square will stay boxed in against the hinderance of progress
Age will always be nothing but a number
Where will you rank yourself after the realization
What is life
There are more matters to concern yourself with
The learning capability depleting
Internal fear of destruction
Words left on deafs ears
Should be your last mistake
Take in and regergitate

Monday, September 30, 2013

Adventure Spice

Perfect school attendance
Fresh cooked meals
Pressed clothes for the following day
Lunch created with the upmost love and care
The list will not end
For this is a everyday agenda
One that will be maintained
Even with the gapes
Screws loose
It will happen
With all my might
The obstacle cause m to change gears and still gets things accomplished
On a high horse
My purpose lives here
The pregnancy
Financial deadlines
Worked up before the idea of forclosure
Ovulation period
While I tend to the needs of the village
The village will eventually have to care of ech othe
This day to day is honestly exhausted
Relieve me for a two weeks to this all over again

William K. Butler

Love Spice

There is nothing I won't do
How many ways can I give you proof
Show you the hashtag realness
Far from a spoof
My words touch base
Thy are spoken with truth
Ceasing every open opportunty brought forth
This is not a sport
Yes, Ii will always be a competitive nature to love
But never dispaying over the top antics
We are beyond the point of having something to prove
I haven't broken the rules
Pardom me if this may feel quiet new
You heart beats directly next to mine
Aware of the riffs and skipped beats
I want you and your heart to stay calm
I'm here to stay
And I am sure you will not blow away
Thats the beauty

William K. Butler

Sex Spice

There is nothing better I swear
Face down
Exploring our boundaries
The green flag has been on high alert
This not a birthday gift
Treated as the nasty princess you are
Clothes lay strayed on the tiles
Wet, wild and wth every motion our body gives us
So precious
We become inventive
The nucleus becomes us
We utiltize all incentives
The hand holds the back straight
Firmly put the leash in place
Gears the body up to accelerate
Nothing to mascarade
This who we are
Who we've always been
Your denial is my challenge
Will you want to withstand the clash of the titans
1 divo, 1diva
Live the vampire life
Well have consecutive encounters
Like a lost puppy fish for a mother during the dawn
The beast to the beauty in this scene
Totally dominate
Gitty to create this memory
I want you punished in slience

William K. Butler

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sex Spice

Drive me off the cliff of simplicity
Nasty is essential
Ready for a misty storm
Temperatures are familiar to your warmth
Done with dealing with the tundra
The skyline view
Keep away to what measure
Something that fits in between my lips
This is what you need
Better yet
This is what my veins bleed
Dont touch or tease
Without notice you reach your peak
Distress is at minimal streak
Our bodies create a great shrine
Sexual healing
Even the air sings repulsively
Let's stay enthralled

William K. Butler

Love Spice

Loyal from the craddle
Admired you since we could walk
No other bond has been greater
I miss you more just as a person
My every move feels half way done
Gazing at the sunrise
Your warmth will hold my nerves
This is everything I deserved
No comparison to my worth
Love, health and happiness
You by my side is a combination on all three
I wouldnt say im crazy about you
But when im not with you I become insane
Nothing else from life has elevated me that way
Love is always too good to be true
Stay with me and everything else can remain fiction
Do not tell a tall tale
Sorry when I speak its over capacity
I just love you

William K. Butler

Make yourself happy

Will i have to buy your joy
Money accounted for your happiness before god
I guess it will.take more time to see
The small opportunity is always a big picture
Life did not stop first for a second chance
Wether i play the catcher or pitcher
I am always at bat
The middleman
Frankly I am suppose to be the man without you
But who am I kidding what havent you done for me
Highly favored and blessed they call the chosen one
This is not how I look at me
This one is your son
Believe in me
I will succeed beyond your bubble of perception
No love lost, you are there even when you really aren't
Than you

William K. Butler


Historys painted picture
Make a mark worth mentioning
Solitify, Indent it
Give your pride and joy when you represent it
It just may be that your impatiently waiting
Why do things have relation
For something greater
Lyfe is here today and gone tomorrow
Not to be relived of ya daily duties
Soul crying like the fugees
My words have been my platform
How will you make history
No pun intended, I'm already on the call of duty

William K. Butler

Friday, September 20, 2013

Life lesson

A life lesson
Shouldn't be questioned
Just an obsession
With a progression
A completed game of tetris
Was it in your timeline to encounter this message
Well regardless
Check it
At the door
Or your grave
Where its literally too late
Stalling only hurts your full potential
If not progressive
Then it will not be apart of your destiny
Surreal as natural disasters
People pray to close to their death bed with their pastors
Why the late reaction
You spoke more than you listened
Be at the verge of pretentious
But in no way be neglectful
Learn past your minds content
As long as you dip and dive into information
Mentally you will be efficient...
With life lessons

William K. Butler

Love Spice

Its undeniable
Our love hs duration
Mental penitration
The mind sits at eas
Hearts crossed brinds peace to its knees
Filled with a united bliss
Found myself earlier to accept this blessing
Life slow motion when your cross stepping
In my fantasy is where believed dreams come true
I am awaken, in real life time
Taken back every day I am able to see your face
Wedding bells have been apart of the ambience
Didn't have to learn to play it safe
Love doesn't play at bay
Hate will not survive in its greatest state
My love has a place
Please do not be mistaken

William K. Butler

Adventure Spice

I've been awake too long
Walking aimlessly
Back against each wall
Nothing familar in the vacinity
Quiet quickly
My anxiety begins to shift for good
Life lessons kick in
I am my own body guard
Prayes made to our righteous lord
Play to win or go home
Beliefe felt through each chromosome
The finish line more than a dream
Even though reality is what it all means
Chills through my back
Vibrating the spline
Nerves react from your instincts
I will find myself by any mean
I want to feel free, released
Beyond ready for my next mission

William K. Butler

Sex Spice

Your origins is my pathway
No pain, no gain
More for me to castrate
The anticipation is insane
Others never gave a touch like this
Totally woken
My body says it is ready for the first plain
Took my chances
For this may be the best sex
Our passion remains relentless
Whats always in question
Have you had a long sesion
Did your intensity become regressive
The choice of weapon
Is my magic stick
I am your main object
Along with the accessory with the toy
Here to give pain, pleasure as the top pedigree
Hope you listened to me closely
My actions spoke to you in a whisper

William K. Butler

Sunday, September 8, 2013


The air is swallowed up
The stinch recedes the tension
This heat is not even to mention
To the finale
Eyes graze
Chest remain swole
More or less everything seems under control
Over capacity
So most backs do not have a wall
Just another reason to fall into the agenda
Why not they rant
These faces are all blurrs and never to be remembered
A release of oxygen every few minutes
The groups give each other more and more room
A game of competitiveness
Sense of humor to the hot tea causes a reliefe
Let us continue our fanatical debate
No harm, no foul

William K. Butler

Friday, September 6, 2013

Sex Spice

As passionate as the clouds when they mingle
The 5 o'clock shadows while the sunrise
Too far engulfed to realize
While we are both here
Whats yours is mine
What is mine is yours
The sweetest part is I am in control
Liberty was taken
I drown myself in your uteris
Strong moans while I caress the pelvis
First 3 wishs granted
Time to body shift
Kindly rising to a boiling point
My energy needed to be rejuventated
But I am Oz the great
Let us fully indulge

William K. Butler

Love Spice

I never think twice when your my first thought
Never felt apart
Even though we may have gotten lost
This love
I trust
Will continue to bring us closer
As we are thus far
With each minute of devotion
I am more care free of the wicked waves of the ocean
I practice your best day ever
Our happiness comforts me
I will do whatever
There is nothing I won't do
Oblivious to the forcast or terrain
You will forever be my destination
Two hearts merged on site
We need to do all over again

William K. Butler

Monday, September 2, 2013

Adventure Spice

Go with the flow as one would say
It is to go where ever u feel is clever
Not premeditated
Just immaculated
Conception up to the beholder
Without your own approval
Please stop the rotation
Now a mission is in affect
Shaken down
Body tied pretzel style
This the cause from dyhydration
Every thirst pending the next move
Where one told you to have instincts
It became the last thing needed to stay alive
If I get through this, this must be god
All other prayers were never acknowledged
Or were they
Decisions in the most minute sense affect your timeline
Another lesson learned
Learn to live before you die
Your next breath is not fortold

William K. Butler

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Too comfortable with my circumstances
So when did good become so easy
Why is lazy demeaning
High off lyfe
I grasp each meaning
Hatred oblitherated
Small bullshit should be irritating
Hard not to fall without hovering the ground
Why think there would be a sound
Nothing to blame
Words spoken but only the thoughts are relevant
Royal testament
Where you fail to succeed
I am given the green flag to proceed
Headless horsemen was given a third chance
I sweat
Not overnight
But since I began to believe
Patience was more than just a virtue
Perserverance built its rank amongst the important
Then came time to focus on only 'I'
Let the record speak for itself

William K. Butler

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Sex Spice

My midnight snack consist of
Taste of watermelon
Face first onto a whipped cream cherry
Nibble play turns into nipple play
This moment legendary
So much passion its mistaken for February
Last but not least
This cinnamon swirl has a creme fillin
Between your thighs is where i would like to fill in
Respirator for your breathing
Rest assure it wont stop the heave
Believe me
My objective since birth is to give beyond a pleasurable doubt
An orgasmic cliffhanger
Proud king turned human sex slave
My gums stop bumping
We play our roles well
Exhilarated from the hint of kinkiness
It was my language you felt

William K. Butler

Savage lyfe

The road is never concrete
Your wave could be a cold day
More ways like the fire that burns from hell
This is the way of life
No time to think twice
They die first
I am here to see another day
Eating because I deserve the meal
Sleepin on the floor to get the best air
Tomorrows adventure
Survival for another skeem
Another day, a dream taken from me
Everyday i wish i was gone
No guts
Glory road is prevelence
I wake up prepared
Warrior, prey sits outside my door
Trust no one

William K. Butler

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Nomads Journey

Jumping like a heathen
When I really had no reason
One to another
Life was suppose to give up what I didn't earn
A house, a car and a decent bank account
I did nothing to have an amount
What could I have pondered id amount to
Pain & sufferin
My love was never from my emotion
I crossed all bridges but failed to cross the ocean
Found in the misty circle of motions
Frightened by the thought of not being hopeless
A mental state
A condition you condemned on yourself
With a skip, hop and a jump
The world became my planet
The planet became a sanctuary
The place I grieve, eat and sleep
Unlike everything negative, my blessings are never missing over the hill

William K. Butler

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The latter

For so long of being the medium
The individual with the least
Nothin to offer
But my heart, soul and loyalty
Where were people then
Taurus to the core
Giving with the last
If you withstood the storm
In addition to the negativity
The sunshine and brighter days were soon to come
Late when referenced to what age it occured
Beliefe at an all time high
Faith building itself on a steady course
Life must be good
Living how I wanted
While keeping in mind, the thought of how is it to live great
Is another thing
Days are months according to my mental clock
The time for greatness is never on a stop watch
My control
My fear
My confidence
Need be, all bind in one
I am the soul creator of this
Let me shine

William K. Butler

Rainy Days

Sitting bedside
Window and curtain reflect whats missin
The second shadow
The rain pitter pats
My own forum is casted
Playing more than one role
Nothing but a toll
The best way for me to deal and be in control
Im a freak of nature for this
Memories i don't recall at all
Where am I
Where are you
Only I can tell you the depths of its settlement
Sitting every night in April
The rain pitters
The rain patters
This image is induced all over again

William K. Butler

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Stay in Command

So far
Refusal to build a wall with structure
Won't see the light of day if I did so
Why isn't there an infastructure
Behind clsed doors things never turn ugly
With every breath, exhale thanks to the ol mighty
I exhale or my triump
I inhale for strength
I exhale to release my troubles
I inhale for a level head
I exhale to stay focused
I will not succumb under any circumstance
In control, yes I am
I thank myself for the reminder

William K. Butler

Adventure Spice

Too restless
So lets say my memory elapsed
Please be so forunate to Return what is rightfully mine along with my brain
Insane i was here all day
Every high
and every low is covered
No rubbish
Aggy to the fullest
Shoutin your name for forgiveness
I am a witness
Enough is enough
Energy reproduced to be on repeat
Here we go again
The search continues

William K. Butler

Love Spice

Its a miracle
Bundles and bundles of joy
Quiet consistant with the motion in the air
Tug a war games at an all time low
Chemistry at an all time high
Untreatable patience
Waiting to see just one smile on your face
Before I start my day
And when I have to tuck myself in at night
I wake up to see you now but felt you through the night
Our metric gravatational pulls
Me on top of you
Or you on top of me
Your fantasy
Is my dream
A long road to come
Leaves me more ways from Sunday to show truth in my love
A vivid picture of what is to come
Let alone, what will we soon bask in

William K. Butler

Adventure Spice

A trip back from the future
A leap into the past-present
How things can be
Should have been
Being here now will speak volumes
Time to conduct myself
To control my future
Right my wrongs
The age range doesn't matter
From birth, a mischief to the canal where my body dropped
I am in search of a reason
A person
A when, where and how
I will not be left delirious
Quantum leaps reality
A living body fatalilty
My death taken for granted
Waundering through the wilderness
Feelin lost, beside myself
Who am I here
When I believe I knew me already

William K. Butler

Thursday, August 1, 2013


To a place where class itself will dismiss you/
Lyfe aint no joke/
There wont be a second chance to be missed/
No crystal.../
Ball, after youve put the hard work in/
Long shifts/
Have yet to see the sunset/
Paralyzed from the waste down/
Time already elapsed to shape shift/
Count yourself out if you count yourself out/
I bare no remedies to give lyfe passionately/
Whats the issue with realism/
Where are the activist/
We were born with nothing/
With every pun intended/
I fought for this spot/
Die alone/
In the end/
Maybe were we all just frienemies

William K. Butler

Bedroom Spice

More complimentary, the better
More taste for my buds
Gratification from your pleasure
Chose to play nice before our session
Sexting only makes me yearn for you to scream so I can tell keep quiet
All smiles
Vibrant thrills peak through my smize
This was never a disguise
Preserved for only your nature
We are in a wide world of fantasy
Go play along nicely
I am here for you
And I will stay around if you let me play with you

William K. Butler


A number of different occurances could have been in place/ But why here/ Where did you swoop from/ Cold hearted but warm at the sense of aura/ Unbecoming decisions/ I rise above it/ I have one purpose/ And an unannounced experience/ Take what is given not what you desire/ Time has no rush hour/ Press brakes/ This isnt departing the station any time soon/ Conclusive to not be a magnitude of any proportion/ Who knows/ Where does the future hold/ Neutral grounds/ Positive vibes/ It is always what you make it William K. Butler

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Destiny in the making

Years to come/ From a closed mind/ To an eye wide open/ My shine clouded by my hindsight/ Everything done was never right/ Steps in a direction right where I left/ Vividly gazing at what should be mine and never left/ Gave myself too many chnaces to meet doubt without an accomplishment/ I wash my hands to the rachet lyfe with no accomplishments/ Ill postpont my wish/ Put this engine in motion/ Scared of the unknown/ How can I not be/ Very comfortable with the mindset of stablilty/ But here I go again/ On another venture/ With the goal in mind/ With god by my side/ Time will subside/ Relinquish this imprisonment where I reside/ I will empower my destiny/ Done waiting for my destiny to empower me William K. Butler


Remember your lane/ Lyfe can be one EZpass/ You get one ina lyfe time/ It isn't always up for grabs/ Within the state/ Out of state/ Less boundaries with realities/ More to give from experience/ A different environment/ Unsolitary/ Thundershowers remain a tease/ Is thi where I wanna be/ Almost half way around the world/ Ready to make your mind up/ Believe/ There was always a better life/ It may not be for me/ I appreciate all matters surrounding/ It is then that we learn to extend our wings/ Learning to fly became natural/ Living & learnin/ Don't forget every lesson learened/ All actions or opportunities are not jumpship worthy/ William K. Butler

Monday, July 22, 2013

A better man

Respect should be for yourself before extended to others/ Integrity will grow on you as adulthood progresses/ Rather as long as you are a person of your word/ Character will apply with dynamics and situations/ Key is to accept the faults and empower yourself the next round/ Ambition is a very tricky thing to master/ From expecting the world owes you something/ To you owe nothing/ Prideful/ Lyfe isn't without a helping hand/ Accept the help/ Dissect this energy for your own use/ Abuse it/ To build this thing called ambition/ There's levels to this/ Loyalty/ Not a meal ticket/ Nor is it as attainable/ Simply put-stay true to you/ Everything else is a test or a belief/ Be careful where you tread William K. Butler

Monday, July 15, 2013

Prove your character

Wanted to abduct my malicious way/ Misery had my attitude/ People had everything to say/ Now everything is said/ Curved the evls leash on me/ Too lyfe for what it is and not what I made it/ World in my hand/ Everyday is a vacation/ Done with fluctuation/ That seemed to be my pitfall/ Earlier days/ I forgive myself but to be one to have forgave/ Doomed to my brain wave/ In the house slave/ Too smart for my own good/ But my good played well with my smarts/ Now they linfer together/ Heart of all hearts/ Lesson learned/ Take one dose at a time William K. Butler

Time of enlightenment

AWAKEN / Not from the fresh air/ But the caffine that infiltrates the lungs/ Lungs far from punctured/ No left gathering a breath/ Every single grasp is enough for me/ Grateful/ Blissful/ But misery loves company/ I discover and learn this ona daily basis/ Behind the laugh is pure intergrity/ Will I find out how deep it is/ Where it may derive from/ Not my concern/ The words experessed will not touch the core/ Tossed the negativity before I left my house door/ The weight forever left in the kitchen floor Crosses and prayers/ Underneath is one thick layer/ Is a strong but sensitive man/ Couragous not to hide out on my lauyer/ Hard to believe/ Who'd belive I never had a beliefe in prayer/ Never disgruntle underneath all these layers William K. Butler


What about thbe imposition/ What's the position/ No composition/ The boy disconnects/ Head missing/ Dangled/ Perplexed/ How can I listen/ Will you listen things become difficult not different/ Never really arch so quickly/ No tolerance/ More patience/ The gift to gab but you don't want to be more than your own thinking/ Helpless/ Potentous/ Scared of your own shadow/ You are the only one that cast it away William K. Butler

First things first

Learn your passion/ Know your path/ Learn your purpose/ Know your worth/ Learn from your mistakes/ Know better the next time/ Learn when you are wrong/ Know what you are saying or say nothing at all/ Learn your past/ Know how this will advance your future/ Learn things even when they may not apply to you/ Know from now on it is great to have wisedom/ In order to learn/ There has to be a factor/ Learn from today/ Tomorrow can be easier William K. Butler


Spirits talk/ While we walk/ On our path/ Living life from within/ Let the seed be plantedb Water and catered to/ Life can pass along some hardships/ Bring toture to a partnership/ Break down a family tree/ It takes a village to raise one child/ Where is our head chief to take charge/ Roaming earth these days/ Sleeping soundless in seattle/ Electic vibrations pulsate my spine/ I more than recognize Heaven may have came to us/ Which incline gave my grandfather free rain over me/ He lives within me, just as I live for him/ I wish these were tears of joy!/ #S.I.P. William K. Butler

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Date Spice

Before I seen your face/ It was christmas, kwankaa and plenty of birthday cakes/ Less than a mile away/ Why would life play this offal game/ Its a shame how much disbeliefe has saturated the truth/ False/ Its a miracle/ The day went smooth/ Sangria &sushi/ N'Sync thoughts of what will our dessert taste like/ Laughter from the gut/ Hands touching one another/ A nightcap ends ina second date/ The recap spells it is real/ For the first time I feel she caught my loophole/ My night is fumigated William K. Butler

Where'd it go

The feeling has come and gone/ So far along/ 2 trimesters was enough space/ Wait/ How it is/ What was it/ Am I wrong/ The sensation must be playing ground hog/ Not everything comes with a understanding/ I guess I am held in the cross fire of withstanding/ This comes as a misunderstanding/ No relished feelings/ Feels great to have more will power to stand/ My heart apologizes/ In life we choose to give a fuck/ Other instances you don't have any control/ Are there other controlling factors/ What matters/ Is the provoked thoughts to think if I feel this should matter William K. Butler

Love Spice

I touch/ I feel/ The pain/ Can caress/ Candle lits/ Ice cubes/ A bubble bath/ This is legit/ Rose pedals/ A heart short for love/ Whats love/ Never something to quit/ Sweet/ Hot/ Verbacious sounds/ The more the merrier/ Love handles give grief to the water/ I love it when you body says 0/ Nothing feels better than to treated like a Queen/ Everyday is a my day to show you true love/ In every sense you think it may or may not be William K. Butler

Date Spice

Just another day in the neighborhood/ Shower shaved & repeat/ Just for the cause/ I doubt there are anymore relieving moments/ Lonely for 5 plus/ Only know of I, been to long for me handle an 'us'/ Dressed/ To impress/ Up for rejection/ Either way I have the right fit/ Undetected if things turn sour/ Every minute into the hour counts down my anxiety/ Reputable silence as I walk to my vehicle/ There goes my suaveness William K. Butler

Power of the mind blows/ Endures strenuous nights.of studing/ Where.determination/ Confidence are.ina whirl wind/ Nothing stoppin.your future/ put into it is what you should return/ Light bulb for the right.idea/ No limit on how much intel your mind will intake/ Its capacity.can bring you to heights/ Period/ Point Blank/ Who said there will a finish line/ the mind accepts.your silly challenge to make an extension/ But there are none/ Are you not sprinting for your goal/ Going against the odds/ Learn to be connected/ The mind will forever be your most dangerous weapon/ In and out of the battle field William K. Butler

Catcher in the rye

You will fall/ I will be the catcher/ Will bare your trips/ The flight may change your mental/ Not too careful when it comes to an open arm/ But the impact/ Is what you will fear next time/ I will never go anywhere unless told to/ I still lurk/ Novice with being an aimless jerk/ My tippin point is to tamper/ A bulls direct.trait/ More love then any cupid along with the arrow/ I learned to be there from a distance/ Some learn when there seems to be no tomorrow/ If you listened/ You would have heard Ill always be here/p William K. Butler


Haven't found the reset button yet/ Too scared and never too dumb to.get the spiders web/ Not even a venimus strike to chest/ Will not allow me to live Content / No saddness/ Normal worries/ Pushing forward for a clear.frame/ Tintless/ My worries are my gods concerns/ Living it on a slow pace while still building/ My mission for eternity/ There are no incentives William K. Butler

Dont give in to give up

Remarkable how happy endings resignate before it begins/ Selfish tendency but a loving heart/ I am super focused/ No signs to exit this route/ I could be drained/ Over looked/ Mistreated/ To my surprise/ I get the more than a Push of reliefe/ Motivation that trembles down to your knees/ I would have tryed/ To label, establish/ Even with 2 donuts/ This ride has not budged/ I am goin for no more than what is on my plate/ I won't take the bait/ This isn't a debate/ No quarrells at all for that matter/ Optimisim will remain conquerer/ Filled with joy and all that matter/ Why do I need more/ Don't let your lyfe take on more than your mind can deter William K. Butler

Plane shift

The game discontinues its repeat/ You've lost the long yard/ Where have you reached this far/ May I have the space now/ I'm appauled/ A coward to my own will/ When I knew there was no limit/ A line tortured so delicately/ There began as others would say, the life of the unbecoming/ I stop running/ I started to listen/ Lost, gone in the wind/ To find the beauty in the beat/ lime light glows in my corner/ I feel so much better/ So complete/ Back to my old self/ Plaine-old-unique/ Thank you Lord for you gave me this gift in which I preach/ AMEN William K. Butler

Friday, June 14, 2013

Pleasantly felt/ Kindness at the /peak Stress reliefe/ Bare witness/ I am content /within my meanings More of a reason to live/ More of a decision to fin/ish living Quit the "I doubt myself" membership/ Counting your blessings/ Reshape history circle/ I am here to give more than a blemish/ A mark / A remark/ On behalf of those who pick themselves up & never see falling as failing/ William K. Butler

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Freedom Has A Place

Is it me I have been doubting/ Do I not believe my life is accounted for/ Trick or treat this piece a clip/ Wont mean a zip/ Cause I forgot to encounter/ Count myself/ Learning not to get the extra help/ There is a worth/ In my garth/ I repent so these oppositions wont bother me/ Why me/ Bed stricten with no I.V/ Freedom to breath/ I wont stop and stare/ Elevated to the perkiest of sales/ I will not allow others to read me/ I am in brail/ Only to be seen for the eyes of the blievers/ Including me/ William K. Butler

Choose the course

Ive been damamged/ From my own actions/ Relative to personal doubt/ Given myself multiple fractures/ Would like not to be mislead/ Learning to feed my own meter/ Inhaling the life nature has given me/ Life is more than a short/ But a glimpse of the capacity we all can hold/ Truth be told/ I would dare not to live in harmony/ Here is the time to live for rightousness/ With a sidenote of humility\For the invaders of your peaceful domain/ William K. Butler

Grind your gears

Never a reason to turn down/ Until I decided to do a self discovery/ Learn to take things a minute a mile/ Also moving at a steady pace/ Take less time/ Be sure to use your leathiest weapon/ Take your time/ Bare it all, a shove, contact/ Nobody is worth my freedom Unless it be my mother/ She gave me a piece of mind/ Something I couldnt be here without/ I dream no more/ May it be a sacrifice / Will it be normal/ Mythoughts are to speak into reality/ To follow and abide by/ Happiness has brought me to my knees/ Yes I am alive/ I wear my heart on my sleeve/ I will take what comes along with the ride/ This is stickshift/ William K. Butler

Priceless Crossroads

Living for now and later/ So my past has no visiting rights/ Done viewing life like a "now and later"/ What reasonis there to live twice/ I recognized my strengths/ Still building from what I know/ While the spirits tell me the only doubt that exist is myself/ For worse or better health/ I shout for the high and mighty/ Let the light in/ No need to wait on a last moment crisis/ It is better to live fear free/ Christly/ Alongwith others are the children that bg for forgiveness/ veeryone is just like me/ Full of mystery/ Willing to experience the unknown/ Open arms that will not bare arms/ My positive lime light spreads from arm to arm/ All I was taught to do is love/ William K. Butler

It will not all fall down

When all your variables never equate/ There must be something missing/ Not my sanity/ Ive lost that before/ Not my clarity/ Only god knows my change in attitude/ Before then, I was willing to live the life of sin/ Courage from the devils hands/ If this is'nt simple mathematics/ Its algebra, my next plan/ Have I forgotten Math has its own doors/ Nothing can deture the true results unless there wasnt a truth/ William K. Butler

In God We Trust

Given the gift to speak/ Preach, wisedom with meaning/ Crossing all boarders with no/ fear Hold me dear to you lord/ For I am up for repairs/ While I repent/ I will not swea/r Spiritually incli/ned This is more then a b/eliefe I speak for those that are w/illing to be receptive A guardian angel to the young pee wee of the world/ Today I am forgiven/ Today i feel free/ Everyday I/ Can say the/ lord gave me rebirth Pure withness to my own disguise/ Head held back high to the clouds/ I will reach you Thank you for all your blessings/ We miss you/ William K. Butler

Plane Shift

The game discontinues its repeat/ You've lost the long yard/ Where have you reached this far/ May I have the space now/ Im appauled/ A coward to my own will/ When I knew there was a limit/ A line torutred so delicately/ There begun the life of the unbeocming/ I stop running/ I started to listen/ Lost, gone in the wind/ To find the beauty in the beat/ Lime light glows in my corner/ I feel so much better / So complete/ Back to my old self/ Plaine-Old-unique/ William K. Butler

Monday, May 6, 2013

Bare it all

Live with regrets/ Live with mistakes/ Live with every life decision/ Living without the moment/ Too engulfed in the past/ If i bare it all/ Will it pass/ Am i afraid to step outside my own shadow/ That I cast/ Living with the real/ When will it pass/ Far beyond a mess/ I digress/ When will my internal cluster become dust mites/ Fever, lackadaisical, flustered/ A few emotions I can muster/ All because I bare it all William K. Butler

Condemned To My Condition

I tend not to place myself in blind traffic/ Not really searching for your words of sorrow/ But for your words to consistently reside with action/ Soul searching/ All my rooms sit in silence/ Recollecting the mistakes/ Promised never to visit these ways/ On the verge of broken/ Far from shattered/ I have a key/ You are the master/ Let me take time to change this dynamic/ Step by step/ My thoughts become decisions/ Learn to stand strong with confusion/ Become one with resilience/ For I will live free of condemnation/ Furthermore/ Dispensing from my condition William K. Butler

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Random Quotes *

"Mind without matter is like a hard cover book with no pages" "Live, laugh & love. You will soon discover happiness" "Building takes more time than energy, stop making excuses." "Never bleed till your is heart content" "Control your behavior or sit back and allow the earthlings, politics and media to be left to judge you!" William K. Butler

Without A Doubt

I will not doubt in struggle/ No doubt I am forever running/ Life is persistent/ A marathon for all eternity/ The willing and able/ The unreliable and excused/ Never being under-appreciated/ The leaps for mankind ascertained/ Even through the pits falls I do not complain if have to crawl/ I will get up if knocked down/ The world upside down on my head/ Forceful on placing a frown/ Not later and definitely not now/ I believe in happiness/ No shadow can cast that away/ I may stray but I can find my happiness/ Whether it be my spirit being moved or indulging in the sky, water and animals/ Loving to learn to live without doubt William K. Butler

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Deal Breaker

Though all your attempts left you last/ The very actions that followed/ Were the ones that can not be given a pass/ I trapeze, as I thought there could be hope/ Not only for you but for mankind/ Gave comprehensive instructions/ That I will not play games of the mind/ Leave all your doings to your horoscope / For a soulless fearless droid employs this foolery/ Flabbergasted/ For where is the honor/ Pass down the crown & jewelry/ Even a king without his ego must act accordingly/ As it is always told/ A wise man never counters/ But intakes the frame for a better reflection/ William K. Butler

Mind Over Matter

Hard to breath is one thing/ Confused amongst other things/ What I rightfully own is deemed forever taken/ Broken/ Just senseless/ A complete dismay to my senses/ Relentlessness/ For all I see/ Why does my judgement become cloudy/ I keep pushing/ And pushing..... And pushing/ Dissatisfied with the content of my heart/ Hard to spare/ A brand, forever on black light skin parts/ I will leave it to beaver/ But even man does not know the destruction he created/ Only to be misplaced/ He is a child / I am becoming a man/ So I need to be done with this treachery William K. Butler

Date Spice

What do I wear/ Where do I go/ Who will I meet/ These thoughts feel extinct/ Too much time has passed/ Will I be enough/ Can I do enough/ Have I ever known what to do instinctively/ Formal/ Casual/ Relaxed/ Who am I presenting myself to/ Leer in the mirror at myself first/ Before I extend myself a little more/ Such a clever thing to be me step ahead/ Left up to the universe/ The things I can not control/ Ops, wait/ My date is at the door William K.Butler

Green Tea

Addicted/ Can't measure my love/ Up in the middle of the night/ Vamping for my favorite drink/ Legs function on command/ When my appetite is in demand/ Health magnet is what it must be/ Test bus being the trustees/ My mother even had the itch before me/ Adorable to be n the same wave length/ Energizer for myself/ So sync we gave a pass to the taste/ It's an addition alright/ No health cautions/ No symptoms, of you don't fear and would love to forfeit/ Morning after affects take place in the office/ Always clean bowels William k. Butler

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Bedroom Spice

Everyday pre-orgasms/ I more than taste it/ Admiring your figure/ Image placed in my sight/ Non hallucinogenic/ Now its real life, realistic/ No replacements/ Forget innocence/ Time for our souls to meet/ Straight from work/ Less time on our hands/ Clothes off before you reach the sheets/ Not rushing but there's room for urgency/ Missed your call purposely/ Have a heat stroke anticipating my touch, my contact/ When it was time for action/ We want to fully engulf in each others veins/ While steady countering a relapse/ Both Alphas/ Exciting, i can just sit back and relax/ Pain is pleasure William K. Butler

To my hearts content

I forget/ Please do not give more than your hearts content/ Without positive notions or the love to give/ End up sitting on a lifeless bench/ With all that you have in stored/ It is only god that predicts the metaphor/ No motive/ No expectations/ This is the lifestyle i will live for/ The devil will not win/ I will never give up faith/ For he has not / Sharing this same memory at stake/ Let there not be a third time/ More like my own incrimination/ I listen, but its hard to practice what he preaches/ Prayer is needed/ For I know of no roads to turn to besides the one I current reside on/ So I pray/ For more guidance/ More freedom/ And of course every lesson taught gently/ Which is far from who I am William K. Butler

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Following fate

Where am I in this stratosphere called humans/ Life gets old, never stranger/ Each second passed is a fortunate remainder/ Live life like you cant have it taken back With or without a scratch/ Sometimes its destiny to take a step back/ Get into your own being/ I do more for others, than I do for self/ Like a closed calm with a pearl/ I have the will to push open/ Refuse to get assistance from someone else. William K. Butler

Friday, March 15, 2013


With a magnitude of 7.7/ Will there be room for recovery/ Cars toppled over/ Surrounding buildings remain sturdy/ Held together by nature/ All that stood were worthy/ Flagrant non the less/ People relate to pure chaos/ A smile to a smirk/ Happiness at a minimal/ incompetently uncontested/ Well nourished is a subliminal/ More spirit for me to flourish/ Never dealt to this capacity/ This took me out of my element/ I was scared/ To be honest William K. Butler

Sunday, March 10, 2013

What is it

What it is/ Living with every consequence/ Bar none/ Old habits do fade away/ The devil pants/ While the angel sing mary holidays/ Not wiping the sweat off my bare forehead/ Rather lavishing my face/ What is it/ That made me weak/ stand firm in the presence of defeat/ What is it/ Yes I am a Taurus/ But I identify steel metal to concrete/ More so a reflex than a premeditated thought/ What is it/ Is "it" what Im suppose to believe in/ I am done wanting to make sense of everything/ What is it/ God guiding my hand/ Thank you/ William K. Butler

Dream Chaser

A dreamer/ I would love to have dreamt/ To see in its truest form/ Life/ But I am up ready, motivated/ Beheaded with no place to turn besides to become an actual recovery patient/ Grew up with out patience/ So i forgot, waiting/ Just as I am/ Waiting forgot about me/ 1st law of gravity/ Timing or the manipulation of it never concurs/ It is what you put out/ It will be followed by/ What you receive during the interim William K. Butler

Friday, March 8, 2013

Unforgiving Fortress

I built a fortress/ In my office/ Plus the place i stay/ Emotionally affected to be cautious/ Without an offer/ But I do not mean to bring major pain/ Its insane/ No Im the one insane/ I lost control of the main thing that is already engrained/ Will not cradle this condition for it shall go away/ Until then/ Chin up, no time for the recognition/ Sustain battle positions/ A close reminder with life/ You are so close to marriage/ Don not end up missing what is given/ I try/ But do i want to or have to/ Brain so damn analytical/ All dynamics are done mathematically/ Slow down the heart rate/ My feelings are made of fragile material/ My eyes are tired/ All my decisions shouldn't rely on their actions William K. Butler

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Bedroom Spice

Chemistry/ Plays all it telepathy/ It seems to have tricks up its sleeve/ The need to be detained/ Strong impulse/ Far beneath the sheet/ Our bodies breathe/ One cure for these lustful deeds/ Single touches are unique/ I take for granted your natural pace/ The wrong feeling but at the right place/ Live free, let go and go with me beyond/ Is there time for a dynamical development/ Let us become in an invaluable mistake/ William K. Butler

Monday, February 4, 2013

Why Bother

Why would I bother
Because I'm too careless
Haven't touched ground often to be fearless
Wheel of fortune spinning
World of deceit
I dare not to repeat
Why bother
Maybe i am from the school for the hard knock life
When the next mission is for a single plate
Why bother
Cause I'm bothered
My movements
Will never be placed
Thus far
Arch angel, forever a human hero
Never sacrificed ones before me
I pray there will come a few after
Whistling it to be more likely, unfortunate events to be a kite
Clear intentions on
Why I bother

William K. Butler


William K. Butler

Friday, February 1, 2013

Bedroom Spice #2

Brought to by my love and affection/ Great timing, I won't believe in rejection/ Please baby let me show you some/ No need to display complacent/ Relax/ My comfort is your complete ecstasy/ I see more faces than one/ Your sure to remember me/ Recognize me/ I foretasted every piece/ No need to deny/ We yearn for it together/ Much more than a simple agreeance/ A mutual sexual healing/ William K. Butler Soon to be featured on

Bedroom Spice

Please/ Believe/ Advised/ I squeeze/ Grope the note/ Musical talents cause your vocals to bleed/ In a sexist world but your needs/ Is what keep me on my knees/ Reminiscences of the breeze/ My pleasurable activities are free of charge/ Adrenaline rush/ Heart as big as a blow fish/ Held to the bed so your joints don't spread to wide or too far/ Steady/ Only a once ina lifetime/ Just catch the universe before/ I release/ And never let you/ We relive this/ My sex slave till the end/ William K. Butler Soon to be featured on

Adventure Spice

In one dose/ I was not far from comatose/ Calling the holy ghost/ Words I spoke were not from me/ Mind hung by a rope/ Switched in a beat/ Now in the drivers seat/ Bliss, the nature of everything is meek/ With every step you fell your soul touch the ground as you walk/ Awake/ Translucent beyond the galaxies/ An individual with no worries/ Sorry my spirit thrives for happiness/ From now on a mountain compares to a staircase/ Everything has an attractive state/ Is this my mindset or my created space/ William K. Butler Soon to be featured on


(DATE SPICE) The time is right/ I have become one with my Ruh/ Less drawn/ More focused/ Hence why I am off the top shelf/ In this very motion/ Reluctance plays a vital role/ Pores sweat/ Past mistakes makes this day unsuitable to unfold/ Closed arms, such a sweet articulate voice box/ Makes room for an open mind/ But this is not my final attitude/ I digress/ Heart beats like a cancer patient/ I recall the days of solitude/ Now mentally excited/ Ready/ Positivity in progress/ Maybe it was great meeting you/ Your potential quiet clear/ This is oh so true/ Better yet, let us enjoy each others company/ And we can push aside our hearts fear/ William K. Butler Soon to be featured on

Monday, January 21, 2013

Misery always loved company


Misery always loved company

Pardon me if i giggle

But misery seems to be everyone's company

It has knocked and entered without permission on several occasions

Started off partially rattled

A few years swiftly went by

There I lay with it clutched

Literally by my pride

Once the lightening struck twice

It was almost inevitable it would leave my side

With Christ vision & positive intuition

I seen the foresight of it subside

Rejection and a grave deal of perplexity

This became the moment where i noticed where my happiness hides


William K. Butler

Dont judge me

Too painful to watch

Not an inch of disbeliefe

Time will not stop

Just to catch the beat

For one reason or another

I remained in rhythm

Gagging at my lowest moment

While still standing strong

Hope not gone

Self over loath is lost

But like every human we want at least one person to care

Not choose the default- of being nice

Nice is a cover up

Nice acts causes regrets

Happy to say I bare none

Nice will remain the furthest from my internal feelings

Easier said then done

Please dont judge me


William K. Butler

Friday, January 18, 2013


A focal point/ Trust not to be tampered/ Genuineness is what i relish/ The marks are permanent / Far from blemished/ Handle with the best of care/ Finally get back which was never perceived/ I dream't/ I prayed/ I believed/ All in due time/ Whenever he decided it was my time to breath/ William K. Butler

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Common fault

Eyes on the road / Eyes on the rail/ Legs moving at an/ impeccable speed Done with handouts, I couldn't always live for free/ Growing to sprout the true me/ Look forward to nothing but what I put in/ I can not see anyone during this extravaganza/ Everyday is celebrating my future and my current sprint to greatness/ Whether it be alone or sideline of loving people/ Do I need them to be a better person/ That idea is farfetched/ I can no longer relate/ No more time to waste/ On others/ William K. Butler

Christmas season

Not a trick or treat/ Money together, far from getting on my feet/ Its my time to give what I have been feelings natures healing/ I'm living, breathing / Count the blessings sent from above/ Not familiar with baring gifts for myself/ Saints helper, gods angel/ They both fall of the same shelf/ Doesn't help me feel good about myself/ Would love for others to joy I brought to myself/ No questions asked/ Your worth something/ Not worthless/ Can't ask for more other than others happiness in or out of crisis/ Even those that may concur situations/ William K. Butler

New experiences

New experiences/ Laugh at the questions I ask/ Friends look astray, so ridiculous/ This is how I function/ Sorry I may not know of any other way/ My mind doesn't have the best penmanship/ My treatment is far better than a friendship/ More in tuned then the last song sung on my the captains ship/ I would love trash talk/ Break you down to the very mineral / I love hard, and care even harder/ I am who I need to be/ Not who you would like me to be/ For I am quiet certain/ I am a rare commodity/ William K. Butler

Inhibited Feelings

Compiled of fear, love and sourness/ Step by step/ Forward becomes the only direction/ Ignore or better yet place in the rear/ Learn how to steer/ Drive/ Crash landing when the brake give out// I am ready for whatever there is to overcome/ Faith in my decisions and life ethics/ Feelings of drag race till the rims on the tires scrap/ My past has erased/ But y'all continue to protrude/ Fix my balance beam/ William K. Butler