Saturday, September 24, 2011

Truth es no bueno

How is it you want to be what i breath
But understanding me seems beneath you
A shattered glass can not be the only way you feel something is in pieces
Please reminisce
You have no recollection to figure that you have you may miss
Unfortunately it is never so easy
If your mind will not process these occurrences then where is the clap-on technique

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Time is pressed by patience
Patience be the measure of all fantasys
Bring tolerance aboard
They will always be ying and yang
The place of never-never land
If it is let be
Test the waters
Dont let the waters test thee
For every sympathtic[impathetic] cell, stress your mind to be free

Ready to bask before the Glory

So excited
Mind does backflips
while my spine get contorted like a super spiral
Heart beats are vital
Its crtical to think negative, bring the positive volume a little high
This script isnt new, just a new recital
Physically calm
My chest beats perfusely at 55.2 mph
Stomach achs & brain tremors from the feeling of your first hour

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

To try, is to succeed

Be a perfectionist
Use the tools that the lord equipped you with
Take your time
For it is merely a gift
But a curse
That will cause ultimate frustration
Or raise tho confidence above and beyond
You are the only founder of your destiny

Impure climax

Great day
But here swarms the conclusion from the confused calamity
Still a process
Everyday I may see myself back a few steps
But I find  my way back like i see my own footprints
Digg deep restraining from the worst
Hulk like fiery
Heartbeats like a burst pipe ready to burst
Given free will once i reach above the clutter
Looking forward to a free spirit once I elevate myself

Monday, September 12, 2011

Indulge in something new

Normal has basically become my DNA
Flip the script to see things a different way
With that
Vibrante from the minutes to countdown
Body so fresh so clean
Spirit in a cave of wounder
Parked on a cliffhanger due to a pretty face and no talent

Friday, September 9, 2011

Orderly fashion

Accept the things you do not possess but will be attainable to you
Only fame or fortune can bring happines to a lonely bird on a stoop
Shame on you
If you followed the hurd
of bottom dwellers
Penny pinchers
Blood sucks
Nothing better to do
Besides tag along other to spread the suffer

A thin line

Somewhere between the fine lines
Division seems to speak at the right time
A pure backhand
Should it be written as NEVERMIND
The feeling of falling behind
Line after Line
The space you see
Is maybe where color needs to bleed
No about face once my ink grinds the paper
gotta try and stop spending time, time wasted
Everything will remain on your mind
Leaves your heart racing
Refrain from simple
The difficulty is a distant heart-breaker


From the blugeoning of a nail
Tremors across the forhead
Head hums, assumption that you hear voices
Stomach growls
Hunger ma play its part
Weiry at a time where my attention is needed