Wednesday, December 31, 2014

How many

How many/ How many, how many, how many/ Will it take your own measurements/ What day will they knock come to your door/ About who, what or where your family members body/ Hit the floor/ Safety first / Its a war/ But how many/ How many until the bloodshed is realistic/ Turning a blind eye/ Count yourself for this new beginning/ I watch in horror on how many care nothing but for their own occurrences/ What a degenerate / Tired of them handing us shit/ But expecting the majority to use it for ourselves/ How many different ways will they shut our pallets/ America is changing/ How much evidence will you void/ William Butler

Monday, December 8, 2014

Expression within yourself

My gift is to write/ Figurative lines only meant for paper/ Consider it a scrimmage/ Vast amount of words for the unspoken/ Words for the mind to be at bay/ The body will take flight/ For you are your own vessel/ Living this lyfe, it may be hard to meet the quota/ Everyday spent, another is another day worth living/ Acknowledge the presence/ Long list of regrets will be forged turning points/ Revolt/ For this is what we know best/ In a positive aspect that is/ Become what you may see as unachieveable/ Do what you know best/ Present it each day with a smile/ I know it may not be so simple/ The advice is live the moment which captivates you ina whole/ With just a smidge of diversity in between/ William K. Butler

Saturday, December 6, 2014

As I lay

Living life in a high demand/ Rent is due/ Not sure to call anything yours/ How did you shake the earth/ Through Gods riff/ Venting with your own gift/ Ghost/ Gone with the wind with the tribulations/ How come you need reverberating drums/ So conscious of your actions/ Relax/ Nobody put a knife to your throat/ Gun to your temple, see whatever happens/ We are in the happening/ How happy are you/ What is it to be so easy/ But why let the demons have their way/ So unfortunate/ I will not stand beside them/ Cast them away/ For I made my decision to live righteous/ This is more appealing/ AMEN! William K. Butler

Monday, December 1, 2014


Self stimulate
Self conscious
Configured so it becomes a downfall
Sober or in mystical lands
Am I right or wrong
360 from a personal issue
How do I get rid of the bad blues
Cover it up with tattos
Rings, things and what has you
But what has me
Almost gasly
Is the realism in each day
Never running from the experience
But the lesson moves mountains that are suppose to be still
I am still
Who I claim to be
I can not be anything other than
Finding my mark in history
Through productivity or loning love to a loveless heart

William K. Butler